Day 7 - Talisker Distillery, Neist Point & Coral Beach at Skye

We start our Skye exploration proper today, after a wonderful breakfast at our B&B. Their mushrooms are so big and juicy!

I love the Big Mushrooms cooked by Foxwood B&B

Our accommodation location is quite central and easy to drive to different places. Our itinerary today is a bit tight. But as the level of difficulty and time spent on the 2 walks + 1 distillery tour is enough to fit in one day, we have managed to go these 3 places in one day. 

Photo taken nearby

Talisker Distillery
IV47, 8SR

There are many distillery and brewery tours in Scotland. One of the most famous distillery is Talisker Distillery at Skye. There is another beer brewery - Isle of Skye Brewery which tour is unfortunately not available during our trip, but we went to their shop to purchase some beer on the following day.

Please note that NOT all type of beer/whisky at these gift shops (of the distillery/brewery) can be found at the airport, so do grab some while you are at Skye.

We originally planned to go to Talisker Beach nearby before the tour, but as we woke up slightly later than planned, so we skipped the Talisker Beach.

Talisker Beach - photo from web

Photo taken at the carpark, when we parked our car

Some exhibition inside the gift shop/registration counter

As only my boy has past the legal age (legal age: 8 years old), I have only signed up the tour for my husband (M) and my boy. It cost $15.60 pounds for 45 minutes tour. My girl is too young to enter the tour so we stayed inside the gift shop. The tour is pretty interesting and photo-taking is NOT allowed, so we have no photos to show. While waiting, I asked the counter to lend me their phone and I called The Old School restaurant for dinner reservation. It is recommended by our B&B as it is the nearest to our B&B. Their dinner reservations were pretty full so I only managed to get the later timing at 8.30pm. 

We have lunch nearby (5 minutes drive or 15 minutes walk) at The Oyster Shed. They sell seafood which are chilled and mostly cold food. It's the nearest lunch we can find. Food is quite tasty if you can accept cold food. 

Neist Point Lighthouse
Glendale, IV55, 8WU

We drove about 30-45 minutes to Neist Point LightHouse. Neist Point is one of the famous lighthouses in Scotland and can be found on the most westerly tip of Skye near the township of Glendale. At sunset, the view is made even more spectacular making this a top destination for photographers. There is a small car park and no toilets. No gift shop.

The most difficult part of the walk is the super steep slope at the beginning of the walk. There is a good railing along the steep slope. At some parts of the slope, it is separated into steps and slope portion for 2 way traffic. It was drizzling when we reached, but stop mid-way. However, the rain makes the slope even more slippery and I fallen down once on the slope. The wind is also very strong. 

This same steep slope will make the climb back more difficult. So save your stamina and time for the return climb. You may need to rest midway while standing or sit down on the steps (though you may block some people). 

I marked out the steep portions on this photo taken after I finish walking down. The start point is at the top of the cliff at this photo. 

Beginning near carpark

This is the end of the steep part. I didn't take the entire steep slope as I was busy watching my steps

This is the slope when I looked back. We came from the top of the cliff


Some of the places do not have any railing. Due to strong wind, be careful especially for Kids. 

Conclusion of Neist Point:

As I complete Neist Point walk about 3pm, although with some falls, I felt a great sense of achievement. 

Neist Point is the most scenic place I have went in Scotland, from my own view. But is also one of the more dangerous walks I made. I fell down twice, and 2nd one is near tons of sheep dung. It was so painful that I took ages to get up, after a giddy spell as well. I ended up with super blue-black and can't sleep in a certain position for days. 

There is a small slope/hill which many will climb up to take the famous photo that shows the cliff edge and the lighthouse. Do watch out your kids on this area as the wind can be very strong and there are no railing. If you kid likes to run around, don't bring them to this part. Stay to the path. 
We tried to take a selfie family photo at this famous spot, but it is impossible due to strong wind and we were so afraid to slip and fall down the cliff. So, in the end we took along the path instead, and asked other travellers to help us. 

There is no need to walk all the way to the lighthouse. One can stop midway and walk back. Due to reviews, the lighthouse is quite in need for repair and not as nice when close up. The best part of this walk is the scenery with the lighthouse, NOT the lighthouse itself. 

The walk back is very tiring due to the steep slope. Luckily we did not walked all the way down to the lighthouse but turn back midway, so we have enough stamina to walk up the slope. You may need to hold the railing as the slope is super steep, and be extra careful. 

Claigan Coral Beach
Unnamed Road, Claigan, Dunvegan
IV55, 8WF

We still have a fair bit of time as our dinner booking was quite late (8.30pm) so we decided to go to Claigan Coral Beach. Originally I have planned for the beach on another day. The coral beach is also one of the recommended places to go for sunset view. There is a car park, no toilets. 

Walk to Coral Beach

The pathway is full of pebbles and stones, but terrain is pretty even and hardly need to climb much, except when near the break at the stone wall. Difficulty is easy and can be complete in 2 hours. If you have kids and need time for them to pick the seashells etc, do cater for another hour. Bring along something for them to collect the beautiful shells or play around the beach. 

The path started quite straightforward and easy. The most difficult part of this walk is near midway which you may feel that you have lost your way or reach the end. This is the part near the stone wall to find the break of the wall to cross through. Some parts of the path may be slightly more challenging to cross, but most parts are easy. Do read the book for this walk which I earlier recommend as it give me the clearest explanation of all research I went through. 

The Coral Beach

Meadow full of flowers, cows and sheep

This walk is very enjoyable and it is pretty popular so you get to see other families and couples. It can be windy and chilling especially late noon/evening so bring along your jackets/scarf if need be. We are in late spring but I still need a scarf in the evening. 

IV55, 8GU

The Old School is in a small village with some shops and houses. It is a very nice restaurant with good seafood, so nice that we booked them for the next night as well. There is a small car park for the restaurant. 

Super delicious langoustine

Langoustine is my newly found favourite in Scotland. The cheapest find is still at Mallaig.
I posted the photos of our 2 dinners over the 2 nights in this same restaurant.

We tried many of their food and they are all delicious! Try them when you visit Skye, and remember to call early to book. 


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