Europe Honeymoon (7) - France, Rouen and Versailles

We are supposed to stop at Paris and stay over but due to the flight strike our trip was delayed and our tour group arranged for us to stay at a town outside Paris (in France).

It is the small town where Joan the Arc is born there, according to tour guide.

Next day our tour guide bring us to Versailles, which is an extra location free of charge (as compensation due to loss of iterary due to strike)

Ceiling with carvings:-

It was v rush and we didn't manage to see all of Versailles. We missed the palace gardens outside. They are v big and look interesting.
The interior of the palace is majestic.. there are gold carvings all over the walls and ceilings. We have a local guide who is a Parisan. She is quite good and give us a comprehensive historical details guide. Then our guide will add here and there to explain. Overall the guide is interesting and enriching.
If got time to explore, I think it will take 1-2 days to fully explore the whole palace and gardens.
When we leave Versailles, we saw many negros selling mini paris towers and sourveirs at v cheap prices. Tour guide says can buy them for colleagues.. one negro even follow us to our bus. But they are quite persistent and i find them a bit scary.. but M bought a bunch of 'mini paris towers' sourveirs from the negro. 10 euro can purchase about 10-20 sourveirs.


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