Europe Honeymoon (7) - Paris, Lourve

We spent a whole day exploring the famous art museum, Lourve. So much so that we missed our way! It is really very big.

We enter Lourve through the tram underpass. On our way we purchase the traveller package deal (tickets to lourve and free tram pass for the day). I have earlier on read in the website that it is more worth to get the tickets in advance because the queue to get tickets are really long.
Entrance through tramway..

There are really many art pieces.

and sculptures..

On our way out, we passed through the main entrance. The whole stretch of Lourve museum is so wide! My camera lens can only capture part of it here.

A fruitful trip at Lourve, but tiring too!

Later of the day, mum called me and asked me how I am. Then I realise from mum that Paris has a demonstration on that day and buses are burned. Luckily the whole day we are in Lourve and didn't feel anything. No wonder we saw a lot of policeman on our way out.

At night, we went to see the famous can-can show theatre, Moulin Rouge. There are some bodyguards outside the area. As the street is a red light district, we didn't loiter too long after we took a picture of Moulin Rouge theatre.


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