Europe Honeymoon (4) - Germany

We enter the borders of Germany and the custom officers came up our coach to check our passports. Our tour guide says this is unusual as normally, they do not check once we enter into Europe. Then the tour guide told us that it could be because that last time, a lot of China Chinese enter into Europe with tourist passports but didn't go back (go missing into Europe) and therefore some Europeans do not like Chinese. Again, they presume that all Chinese came from China.

Germany roads are quite bumpy which tour guide explains is due to the reason that they have not finished repaired all roads since World War II. Tour guide then briefed us on the history of World War II and how it affect Germany. Most of the buildings are destroyed or damaged, which explains why most of the buildings nowadays are newer as they are built after WWII. Along the road, we saw many cows, goats and horses.

Early in the morning, we head for blackforest. The name is really what describes the place, the forest is very dark and looks black from afar.

We pass by small villages and noticed that many houses do not have gates and their door are not locked (the habit at that place). Our tour guide told us that once he bring a tour along one village and they are having a festival and the small road is congested with people. One group of people surrounded their coach and spray chocolate chunks on everyone! Of course, the most upset is the bus driver bec he has to clean the bus later. In the end, the small road took 1 hour to travel. I was thinking luckily we didn't meet such a festival! Haa :p

We reached one village (I forget the name) and saw a big lake. The lake is so beautiful and there is a thin glacier on the water.

Then we saw the sunset!

There are interesting souvenins. M and me bought a hat as the weather is windy and cold.

We went to visit their cuckoo clock factory and Swaroski crystal shop (originate from there thus more cheap). M and me bought a cuckoo clock which cost $200 Euro (= S$400) and some crystals.

We also went to eat the famous blackforest cake (originate from there) and it is different from the blackforest cake in Singapore. Their blackforest cake has rum in between the cream. We also have their famous pork ribs.

We head to our hotel for rest and dinner. The dinner soup is like maggie soup and all of us dislike it. The boss is also not happy that we didn't order extra. Overall, we didn't have a good impression of the food provided by the tour agency so far.

The next day, we set off to Heidelberg to see the famous University and old buildings which are not destroyed during the war.

Then we set off to the town, Cologne.

Cologne is the town where they first invent the Cologne for men. But the cologne that they invented at that time is for use at the toilet 'toilet water' as it is called as there are few bath houses and this is for scent purpose in the olden days. Anyway the cologne sold at town Cologne is not as good as nowadays sold at departmental stores. We went together with G and J to eat our lunch at a restaurant (that look like Dennis Restaurant) but the service is not very good as the waiter forget our order and we nearly end up no time to rush back to meet our tour guide.

We saw the famous Cathedral which has been built before during the war. It is the most grand cathedral i saw in this Central Europe trip.

Afterwhich, we took coach and continue our journey to Amsterdam.


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