Europe Honeymoon (6) - Belgium

Belgium is a smaller state as compared to other nearby countries.

The most memorable of Belgium is their Chocolate, waffles and squares.

Their chocolate is thick and have many interesting ideas and most shops sell different types of chocolates. I saw fruity chocolates which in shape of fruits and taste fruity. I saw nice nutty chocolates in nice wrappings and for u to pick and choose. Their chocolate is fresh and thus do not keep too long esp in tropical climates. I asked the lady asst whether i can store in Refrigerator / fridge and she star at me (as if she never see refrigerator before) then reply that i should store around 18 degrees, when i explained to her that i am from a tropical country.

Waffles is another speciality and can put fruits with sugar.. eat while it is fresh from the shop/stall.

Squares - i meant building squares where they have 4-5 buildings surrouonding a square.. certain festivals u may see them placing gigantic flower carpet in the square, but we didn't manage to see them, only see them on postcards.

Belgium buildings are nice..

Next stop is France!! Tune in!


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