Europe Honeymoon (2) - Stockholm

We reach Stockholm in the morning then realise that our transit flight to Switzerland Zurich is at night 6pm.

When first landed, we do not know where is Stockholm. At first, I thought that Stockholm is part of Finland. We went to Kiosk (it is their version of convenience store) and saw the sign 'scandivania'. We asked the cashier and she told us that this is Sweden and Stockholm is the capital of Sweden.

G and J approached the counter staff to try to locate our luggage as we are worried that our luggage will be send to other places due to different transit flights arranged for our tour group. The counter staff at Sweden are very friendly and helpful and they are patient and go all the way out to help us. In the end they told us that our luggage are send to Switzerland Zurich.

As our next flight is some hours away, we decided not to lose time wasting at the airport. So we change some Swiss money at the airport and asked the airport staff on places of interest and directions to the city. One staff told us that it is cheaper to take the shutter bus (which will take 45min to reach the city) or their train (20min) than the taxi (which will take 35min).

We compared the bus and train cost and decided to take the shutter bus to the central bus station. We ate our lunch at the Macdonalds and their fries are really fantastic! The best fries i ever ate and their burger are really crispy and crunchy. The staff are all young gals who dress well and full makeup (like those boutique gals at Singapore) unlike our Macdonald staff are old retirees.

We ate at the central station and met a couple who are on the same flight as us (Singapore to Helsinki). They told us they are Swedish people who on their way back from trip to Thailand. Then we realise that a trip to Thailand to the Europeans are really considered exotic and expensive ($750 Euros and above). They suggest that we visit the palace at Stockholm.

After lunch, we walk around Stockholm towards the palace. Along the way we took pictures.

The weather is very cold and windy. Me and M are okay with our windbreaker but G and J are freezing. The toilets at Sweden are chargeable at around $1 Euro and usually entry is by coin-operated machines. Some people try to save money by sharing toilets entry with their family members or friends. I even saw an entire family coming out from a toilet! Their male toilets have only cubicles and therefore guys also have to queue at times.

We reach the palace and deposit our handcarry luggage and barang at their lockers. The palace are nice and their ceiling have elaborate carving and design. As we want to conserve our money and time, we only went to one wing of the palace.

We also went to shop around the shophouses nearby. All their roads are nicely paved cobble stones.

G and J was so cold that J went into a shop to purchase a thick sweater. The Swedish people are basically friendly and helpful, though we seldom see any Asian travellers on the road. Maybe it is because that there are few Sweden travel packages at Asian countries. In fact, we do not see any travel packages to Sweden back in Singapore, not even free and easy.

We went back to the airport by the shuttle bus and catch our flight just in time to Zurich (Switzerland). Read the next posting on our Switzerland tales!


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