Europe Honeymoon (7) - Paris, Flea Market & many more

In the morning, we went to the flea market with G & J. I bought a long jacket and some boots. The items sold at the flea market are cheaper than the shops but not consider cheap in comparison to our Pasar Malam here. Nonetheless, the stalls are quite a lot but after awhile we realise they sold many duplicating /similar items.

We spent some time exploring around and back to hotel to rest. Then we went back to Galeries Lafayette (which close around 5/6pm), hard rock cafe (buy some nice t-shirts), a dinner at a cafe. The cafe/ restaurants are Paris is very expensive. One meal easily cost S$40 each person for an equivalent meal at Singapore that can cost as cheap as $15 at same service. Shopping at Paris need good ettiquette & manners. The cashier normally will ignore us (especially Asians travellers I guess). The trick is to speak "bon jour" (good morning) to them first, before you ask any questions or purchase anything. And their attitude will change and nicer. Friendly and polite at Paris is the trick. Although I speak English and they will answer in French, but they will try their best with signs so its still quite easy to understand. I happen to see Zara sale and bought a couple of coats and office wear since the rest are winter clothing and no use in Singapore.

I also used the chance to sneak and buy a birthday present for M without his notice. Hee, it is quite fun while I make some excuses to escape his notice in order to find his present.

We then went back to hotel after shopping to pack our luaggage as we are leaving on the next day.


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